akhirnya minggu keempat dah berakhir.
a very very tough week for me.
and a very very sad week too.
penatnye prentend to be okay.
penatnye pretend yang tak pernah terjadi apa-apa. T_T
dia tak salah.
dia yang sorang lagi pon tak salah.
because i dont have rights.
it took a very strong person to say sorry but it took a very stronger person to forgive.
and i'm not that strong girl.
i'm not strong.
i may forgive you, but i'll never forget.
huhuhu. :(
i tried to forgive you, i laughed with you, i replied your messages as if nothing happened and i talked to you like we used to talk.
but.. hmmm. T_T
tadi me and him jadi awkward.
even my roomie pn cakap kenapa nampak pelik sangat?
we talked awkwardly and i even cant laugh with him.
saya tak boleh pandang dia time bercakap because i'm afraid i'm gonna cry depan dia.
hati rasa disiat-siat.
banyak perkara nak beritahu, but i just cant.
sebab i need to push him away from my heart.
i need to give up.
sebab i dont want to put my hopes dah on him.
cukuplah setahun. cukup.
macam mana nak berdepan dengan 10 minggu lagi neh? TT____TT
p/s: i hope you like that book. and i really hope you could take a good care of it. itu pemberian ikhlas hati ini. mungkin itu yang terakhir.
p/s/s: i need to get a grip on myself. because yes, i'm that jealous girl.
p/s/s/s: i wanna give my heart a break.
p/s/s/s/s: this one is for you.
p/s/s/s/s/s: ingat sedap ke sedih2 marah2 cmni?
ya Allah.
kuatkanlah hatiku.
much love. ♥
2 kata mereka.:
Be strong honey,
We are in the same boat.
memang susah kan nak pretend like we are alright.
but somehow you really have to.
sebab kita mmg tak boleh paksa seseorang tu utk stay kalau mmg die xnak.
hati tu Allah yg pegang. mungkin jugak Allah dh lepaskan pegangan tu.
kalau itu mmg ketetapanNya, yakinlah, suatu hari nanti kamu akan jumpa someone yg terbaik utk diri kamu.
nasihat utk raja dan utk diri nad jugak! :)
insyaAllah nad. doakan kte ye. nad pon kena kuat. mari sama-sama kuatkan diri dan iman. mari sama-sama harapkan redhaNya. :)
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