
Monday, August 23, 2010

ketiadaan air.

assalamualaikum, people!
selamat pagi.
hari neh kita bersiaran langsung dari bilik G3.8 mahallah sumayyah ye.
cik puan2, encik2, abang2, akak2, adek2 yang sedang sebok nk g keje tu,
neh ade berita ckit.
mahallah kami mengalami ketiadaan air sejak pkul 715 pg td.
(ape kene mngene ngn golongan d ats? hahaha. mereng sbb penat angkut sebaldi beso air dari level 1 ke level 3. adeyyy)

semalam da dgr penduduk2 kawasan uia iaitu dari mahallah nusaibah bising2 kate mahallah mereka tade air.
pagi td selepas solat subuh,
saye punye laa bcadang nak tdo balik.
siap suh Lela kejut pkul 8 ag.
ttbe sedang mate nak lena,
kak hanim jerit,
"makcik. awak kelas pkul bpe? bek g mndi skrg. kawan kak anem dr mahallah nusaibah dtg mandi sini sbb tade air. kang tade air kang. kak anem ngn lela da mandi."

seram je dengo.
so saye cepat2 amik towel and ke toilet.
elok je da abes mandi,
nak isi air lam baldi,
sedih gak la xsmpt nk tadah kan.
pastu sedang elok nak online,
kak anem ckp,
"nak g tgk air kt bawah la. kot ade air. nak tadah."

oleh itu,
turun lah kak anem ke bawah bsame baldi biru nye.
xlame pastu kak anem nek.
"ade ag air kt bawah. kt laundry room. kt sink."

saye pn ape ag,
capai lah baldi merah saye yg beso tu.
trun level 1 then tadah air.
puas ati sbb sempat penuh satu baldi.
pastu mula la perjalanan saye dan baldi merah utk nek ke level 3 balik.
sampai kt level 2,
da semput.
air plak ade la lam satu gayung tumpah.
ttbe akak cleaner tgo.
"adek baru nak mndi ke? ckup ke air tu?"

"eh tade lah. neh nak wt simpanan. utk amik wudhu' ke nanti."

"oh. meh akak tolong."

jadi akak tu tolong saye angkat si baldi merah sampai dpn bilik.
mekasih ye kak!

pagi2 da workout.
kalo seminggu camni,
alamat nye nek muscle laa saye.
agagaga! :D :D

berita selanjutnye.
puan wan salma wan ismail yang juge mama saye tepon semalam.
tkezut gak sbb mama called pkul 11 malam.
salu nye xpnh2 nak call lambat cmtu.
igt kan ade something bad ke jadi.
ade berita gumbiraaaa~ ngeeee.

"mama, kawan2 ayong sume balik 3hb and 4hb. ayong sowg je balik 5hb. huuu."

"blh tuka kan ticket tu? tuka laa. xpe la kne charge pn."

melonjak kegumbiraan kot saye time tu. hepi3!!!
sebbek xterkua tingkap.

baik lah anak2 sekalian,
mari kita ke segmen Ramadhan; 30 hari mencari cintaNya. :) :)

credits to Brotherhood Arts.


Fasting in Ramadhan is a form of spiritual training for Muslims. So this is the PERFECT time for Muslims to change or "upgrade" themselves to be better Muslims! ♥

However, change is something each person has to do himself.
"... Thus, God does not change the condition of any people unless they themselves make the decision to change..." (13:11)

So by sitting down idly or doing nothing, why not give it a thought and try to change something about yourself? Surely everyone isn't perfect, and humans are bound to make mistakes, but there is always room for improvement and change. And by "improvement and change", it means spiritual upgrade ♥

Here are some tips for you to LEVEL UP!

1. Understand that all shall be well. Allah forgives sins for He is All-Understanding and All-Forgiving. Even if you feel that you are already too deep in sin to turn around and become the good Muslim that you truly are.

2. Think of the influences around you. Are they good or are they bad? Are the influences making you turn your back against your religion? If your friends are steering you away from the right path - LEAVE THEM. Your friends cannot grant you Paradise! In fact, bad ones will only drag you to Hell. Think about it.

3. For ladies; if you truly want to change to be a better Muslim, consider wearing a hijab/ veil. The hijab is not just a piece of cloth that covers hair, it changes you mentally and spiritually. Think of it as a way for Allah to protect the women. As soon as you wear the hijab, hopefully, your whole perspective on self-respect and values will automatically change. Not to say that non-hijabis are not protected or enlightened, but you have a better chance of achieving this feeling by wearing the hijab. :) ♥

4. Pray 5 times a day. It helps you to become a better Muslim!

5. Learn more about Islam. Islam is knowledge, and without the proper knowledge, it's hard for one to truly embrace Islam. The more you know about Islam, the more you will understand and the "beauty" you will discover. Can't afford to buy books? The internet is pretty useful!

6. Ladies, dress modestly. This does not mean that you have to look ugly or not stylish. Just be modest. Wear longer shirts and avoid tank tops and shorts. Stay away from clothes that are too tight. Remember that it is obligatory to cover the whole body except the face and hands. This also helps you to change your whole outlook on what is acceptable and what is not. For the boys, avoid wearing rude or obscene graphic t-shirts.

7. Hang out with good friends! Find those with the same mission: To please Allah and go to Paradise. Good friends would surely want you to enter Paradise, so choose your peers correctly.

8. Believe in yourself! YOU CAN DO IT! ♥ ♥ ♥

Changing can be rather hard, but it's possible. Make dua' alot! ♥

p/s: selamat berpuasa untuk hari yang ke 13!

p/s/s: semoga minggu neh cepat berlalu. xsanggup lagi da nak pk 2 quizzes and a presentation on wednesday, 2 midterm exams on friday. huwaaaaa! :(

p/s/s/s: quote for today d ambil dari status fb iefa. "best kan kalo ade owg ckp kt kte, saye kan ade. walopn owg tu tade la kuat mane. tp rase selamat je." so trueeee!! heheh. walopn owg tu tak meant it pn sbnrnye, still.. rase terharu and feel better. (^^)

oleh itu, kita bertemu lagi di lain siaran. adios amigos!

3 kata mereka.:

.Cik Nana. said... [Reply to comment]

takde air?kt semua mahallah ke?

.RSARA. said... [Reply to comment]

xtaw laa nana. dgr cte, mahallah nusaibah, sumayyah, salahuddin, ruqayyah sume tade air. mahallah len tataw laa. huhu

Kha said... [Reply to comment]

k.alah x da air hari jumaat lepas.sbb tandas hostel bdak laki broken + rosak. so, mostly bdak hostel x mandi. hihi.

btw, i like that quote too. ^.^ *tgh broken + down*

p/s/s/s: quote for today d ambil dari status fb iefa. "best kan kalo ade owg ckp kt kte, saye kan ade. walopn owg tu tade la kuat mane. tp rase selamat je." so trueeee!! heheh. walopn owg tu tak meant it pn sbnrnye, still.. rase terharu and feel better. (^^)

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