
Thursday, February 17, 2011

not because of stress?

assalamualaikum wbt.
erm, nothing much nak cerita.
pagi semalam after kelas Company Law, saya pergi clinic UIA.
then doctor suruh pergi ada satu clinic dekat Jalan Raja Laut.
something wrong somewhere.
dont know what's wrong with my abdomen.
so untuk tahu apa yang wrong tu,
doctor suruh buat ultrasound abdomen.
masa mula-mula dengar tu,
saya blurr.

"ohhh. so it isn't because of stress or too much pressure then?"
"no. so you better go to that clinic, and then we'll find out what is exactly went wrong"

balik ke bilik,
saya teros tanya inche Google apa maksud perkataan ultrasound abdomen.
jawapan yang inche Google bagi ialah,
"Abdominal ultrasound is an imaging procedure used to examine the internal organs of the abdomen, including the liver, gallbladder, spleen, pancreas, and kidneys. The blood vessels that lead to some of these organs can also be looked at with ultrasound."

An ultrasound is most often done for the following reasons:
  • To diagnose an injury or disease
  • To help determine the cause of abdominal pain
  • To identify gallbladder stones or kidney stones
  • To assess masses in the abdomen
  • To help determine why an internal organ is enlarged
  • To evaluate changes or problems in the blood vessels

Allah. janganlah ada penyakit apa2.
saya nak sihat je. T__T

mula-mula decide tak mahu beritahu mama.
i dont want her and papa to be worried.
but then petang dalam pukul 4 saya telefon mama and beritahu.
nak tanya whether i should do the ultrasound or not.
bukan tak percaya pada doctor,
but since mama and papa pun dalam in this bidang,
so mereka pun tahu menahu juge.
after talking,
mama kata pergi lah buat.
since the bill clinic UIA yang tanggung. :PP

i wish i'm home.
sejujurnya saya takut.
i kept thinking..
what if, this? what if, that?
Allah. kuatkan hatiku.
permudahkan segalanya ya Allah.
hamba mohon dengan sangat.

p/s: please doakan juge ye. 

much love. ♥

5 kata mereka.:

Leya said... [Reply to comment]

ya ampun madu....
i hope your feeling okay..huu =(
must take care k?
so when gy klinik tu syg?

hafeez said... [Reply to comment]

hope u r okay raja..

.RSARA. said... [Reply to comment]

leya + paklah, thanks. doakan eh. esok tghr insyaAllah nak g.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

salam. agak2 pika bce ni b4 ke sebelum g klinik tu eh?
yeah i had ultrasound twice, i guess.
becoz of the first reason.
scan2 kat perut mcm scan beby.haha.
nape pika? sht2 deh!

Myra Latif said... [Reply to comment]

kak fiqah jgn tension2x.. kalo tension, mmg ada sangkut paut dgn internal. mcm myra gak. so be careful! :)

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